Comic Picks – Week of 16/04/2014
The Superior Spider-Man #31 Dan Slott (w), Giuseppe Camuncoli (a) Marvel Comics Liz says: Man, am I gonna miss this book. I loved The Superior Spider-Man; I sing its praises all the time.…
The Superior Spider-Man #31 Dan Slott (w), Giuseppe Camuncoli (a) Marvel Comics Liz says: Man, am I gonna miss this book. I loved The Superior Spider-Man; I sing its praises all the time.…
Fear Agent Volume One TPB Rick Remender (w), Tony Moore (a) Dark Horse Comics Liz says: Got a taste for far-out sci-fi action/adventure stories, a la Indiana Jones meets Star Wars? So does…
Moon Knight #2 Warren Ellis (w), Declan Shalvey & Jordie Bellaire (a) Marvel Comics Liz says: I really liked this self-contained issue. The story itself is rather basic, but the way it’s told…
Buffy the Vampire Slayer: Season 10, Issue #1 By Christos Gage (w), Rebekah Isaacs (a) Dark Horse Comics Liz says: Christos Gage and Rebekah Isaacs wove magic into last year’s ‘Angel &Faith’ and…
Avengers Undercover #1 Dennis Hopeless (w), Kev Walker (a) Marvel Comics Liz says: When a group of super-powered teenagers is kidnapped and forced into a vicious battle to the death, what happens to…
Forever Evil #6 Geoff Johns (w), David Finch (a) DC Comics Liz says: Ah! The suspense, it’s killing me! ‘Forever Evil’ is back with its penultimate issue this week, and I loved it!…
The Superior Foes of Spider-Man Volume 1 TPB Nick Spencer (w), Steve Lieber (a) Marvel Comics Liz says: In the same way that ‘Superior Spider-Man’ opened the door for baddies to take center…
WE3 TPB Grant Morrison (w), Frank Quitely (a) Vertigo Comics Liz says: Perhaps Grant Morrison and Frank Quitely’s greatest joint-masterpiece is the heart-wrenching story of three domesticated house-pets turned into prototype combat weapons…
Loki: Agent of Asgard #1 By Al Ewing (w), Lee Garbett (a) Marvel Comics Liz says: Before I start, full disclosure: I am a massive Loki fangirl. I have a Tumblr, I think…
Superior Spider-Man Team-Up #9 By Kevin Shinick (w), Marco Checcetto (a) Marvel Comics Liz says: This week’s team-up reunites Spidey with Daredevil and the Punisher, who last joined forces for the fun “Omega…